
He's everything Whitney Houston is not — Taiwanese, male, chubby and unknown — but Lin Yu-chun is being likened to the pop diva after wowing a talent show with his rendition of one of her most popular songs.


Lin, a challenger on popular singing show "One Million Star," floored the judges last week with his pitch-perfect rendition of Houston's "I Will Always Love You," taken from her film "The Bodyguard" that also starred Kevin Costner.

林育群上週以挑戰者身分在大受歡迎的歌唱比賽節目「超級星光大道」上,以完美音準重新詮釋惠妮休士頓與凱文柯斯納領銜主演電影「終極保鑣」裡的主題曲「I Will Always Love You」後,獲得評審一致的讚賞。

The 24-year-old, who wears a bow tie and sports a bowl haircut, is also being touted by many bloggers as this year's Susan Boyle, the best-selling artist who unexpectedly became a musical superstar after her show-stopping performance on the "Britain's Got Talent" TV program.


"Close your eyes and tell me — have you forgotten you're listening to a reality show and started to think you're hearing ‘The Bodyguard’?" wrote CNN's news blog editor Mallory Simon about Lin's performance.

美國有線電視新聞網 CNN 新聞部落格編輯馬洛里賽門談到林育群的演唱時寫道:「閉上眼睛然後告訴我,你是否已經忘記你聽到的是一個實境節目,而且開始以為你正在聽『終極保鑣』的原聲帶?」

Like Boyle, Lin has become an overnight Internet sensation, with videos of his performance retrieved by thousands of people. When informed that YouTube videos of his performance were not only being circulated across the globe, but also being reported by heavy-weight Western media such as Reuters and BBC News, Lin said he was stunned.

和蘇珊大嬸一樣,林育群一夕間成了網路當紅炸子雞,上千人點閱了他的演唱影片。在獲悉他演唱的 YouTube 影片不但流傳到全世界,而且還被路透社與 BBC 新聞等重量級歐美媒體大幅報導後,林育群表示他對此深感震驚。

"Am I dreaming?" he asked on his blog. "I am truly happy right now."




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